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Real Estate Flipping

So, you have been watching HGTV, This Old House, you have some construction experience, or you are simply thinking, "I can do that." You have caught the Home Flipping bug, and you are ready to make some money and put your future at financial peace.

Now you have read some articles or seen news stories that have some naysayers talking about losing money. Alternatively, on the other side of the spectrum, you have seen or heard those who extol the virtues of a can't lose system.

Take all of what you have heard and read with a grain of salt. Making money flipping houses in real estate comes down to a straightforward and basic formula.

Buy Right + Sell Right = Make Money


Buy Wrong + Sell Wrong = Lose Money

To get a better idea of what is buying and selling right or wrong, check out our Flipping Calculator , which has many of the essential variables that will impact whether your investment bottom line is net positive or negative.

Granted, buying and selling right or wrong is a journey of many footsteps that does complicate the overall math to profit or loss. Part of flipping real estate is that doing so is a learning process that never stops. Every flip is different.

While we could go on forever about the more complex math, at SpruceRoost, our goal is to help our real estate flipping investors make the right decisions along the way that result in a positive outcome.

The first step in making an excellent flip investment decision is not in the property itself. It is in finding a knowledgeable real estate agent who understands the complexities of the house flipping market. Many would-be investors who claim losses make their first error by thinking, "I don't need an agent." The end result is overpaying and underselling. A good agent can help find a great potential investment property and help negotiate the best purchase price. From the start, those who forgo using a qualified real estate agent knowledgeable in flipping drastically impact their ability to make a profit. Now add all the extras to the flipping equation, and it is easy to create a recipe for disaster. The dream has turned into a nightmare with negative financial consequences.

At SpruceRoost, we focus on real estate flipping investments and provide our clients with the tools and knowledge to help them achieve their goals. With four decades of experience in various aspects of real estate and construction, we know where to find the best real estate deals, we understand and can provide resources on how to repair and remodel on a budget appropriately, and we understand how to effectively market the property in its final state to yield our investors and sellers the greatest profit potential.

You are in a prime market if you are interested in real estate flipping in the Middle Tennessee area. While other regions around the country have experienced downturns in home values, many parts of TN are continuing to experience growth. In Davidson County, TN, home of Nashville and the capital of the state, as of this article, home values are up 12.5% year-over-year, and the average days on the market is less than a month. Trends in the surrounding area are very similar. If a home flipper cannot profit in the Middle TN market, they are using bad math.

Let SpruceRoost help in your real estate flipping dream. From finding a home at a great price to establishing the best financing options to getting the best contract workers and building supply prices to selling at top value, we will walk hand in hand with you and help keep you on a path guided toward success in the house-flipping market. Nothing is more rewarding than watching our investors put the keys in a new family's hands and take home a nice check at closing.

Contact SpruceRoost today to get started.

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